Australian Capital Territory

Events and Continuing Professional Development

CPD and Events Finder

There are no events listed in the calendar for this APS Member Group.

Continuing Professional Development and Branch meetings

The APS ACT Branch organizes monthly professional development events and activities by inviting expert speakers and providing members with the opportunity to engage in interesting and varied topics.

All our PD events this year are on the last Thursday of the month, and the location alternates between The Canberra Hospital (Auditorium) and Calvary Hospital (Function Room in the Lewisham Building). 

The dates and location for our remaining PD events this year are :

Thursday 28 May - The Canberra Hospital

Thursday 25 June - Calvary Hospital

Thursday 30 July - Christmas In July Event - The Brassey Hotel

Thursday 27 August - The Canberra Hospital

Thursday 24 September - Calvary Hospital

Thursday 29 October - PD and AGM - The Canberra Hospital

Thursday 26 November - Christmas Party (location to be advised)

We look forward to seeing you at our events for this year where we hope you will enjoy interesting speakers, good food and wine, opportunity to meet and socialise with colleagues and obtain PD points, all for free.

For all events being held in the ACT, including those organised by APS National Office as well as other organisations, go to the CPD and Events Finder, select location 'ACT', then click on 'Search'.