Narrative Theory & Practice in Psychology

The Group's role is to support APS members who have a special interest in Narrative approaches, assisting in the formation and maintenance of liaisons among them that allow them to be more involved in this aspect of psychology.

Members of the Group include APS members and others in six states, including private practitioners, psychologists employed in private and public sectors, and academic staff from Melbourne University, Victoria University, Monash University, Swinburne University, Deakin University, University of New South Wales, Macquarie University, and Queensland University of Technology.

Terms of Reference

  • To provide a network within the APS for members with an interest in Narrative theory and practice in psychology.
  • To provide a forum for discussion, peer contact and collaboration, and professional support.
  • To acquire and disseminate information about contemporary Narrative theory and practice.
  • To further the contribution of Narrative approaches to the discipline of psychology by encouraging theoretical study, research and clinical practice.
  • To organise continuing education and professional development activities for APS members.
  • To enhance awareness and knowledge of the value of Narrative approaches to the discipline of psychology.
  • To provide informed advice to the APS on issues where Narrative approaches are relevant to content, process or procedures.
  • To liaise with other professional groups whose aims are congruent with those of the Interest Group and the APS.