Psychology and Ageing

The Psychology and Ageing Interest Group (PAIG) is one of many specialty interest groups to which psychologists who are members of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) can belong. We also encourage non-members of the APS to join, thereby promoting a multidisciplinary approach to the field of ageing.

Nationally, PAIG is dedicated to furthering clinical knowledge, research agendas, teaching and learning initiatives, and public policy relating to older adults in Australia. It acts as a mechanism for its members to stay linked with colleagues who share similar clinical, teaching, and research interests. Join our mailing list 

The APS Psychology and Ageing Interest Group (PAIG) was established in 2001 not only to cater to the needs of those psychologists currently seeing older adults as part of their everyday practice, but to also help promote this important area of practice in an environment where the older adult population is growing. With an overall aim of promoting best practice in working with older adults, PAIG brings together clinicians and researchers interested in the area of ageing. It also plays an important role in educating the psychologists of the future via direct involvement of some members in courses offered at universities and via the provision of professional development opportunities


- Ageing Interest Group logo

Terms of Reference

1. To develop a network of clinicians throughout Australia who are interested in research, teaching and learning, and professional practice in the field of gerontology, and to provide professional support to this network by:

  1. Exchanging information about relevant conferences, seminars and workshops;
  2. Exchanging information about developments in research, teaching and learning, and professional practice in the field of ageing; and 
  3. Offering professional development opportunities.

These networking activities are met by production of an annual newsletter for members; at least two meetings per year in each state; and a symposium at the national APS conference. Members can also join a nationwide electronic mailing list and be kept updated on national and international events, conferences, scientific information, and clinical issues relating to older adults.

2. To be active in expanding psychologists' roles in the field of ageing in Australia by:

  1. Publishing psychologists' work at relevant professional meetings (e.g., Australian Association of Gerontology, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Society, etc.);
  2. Campaigning to increase employment prospects for psychologists interested in working with older adults;
  3. Campaigning to increase relevant course content in undergraduate and postgraduate courses; and 
  4. Encouraging research in the psychology of ageing in Australia.


Major Activities

Throughout the year, PAIG is involved in a number of activities. These include the Annual National APS Conference, our own biennial National Psychology and Ageing Interest Group Conference, and sponsorship of the Elsie Harwood Award for best 4th-year or coursework Master's student research project on ageing. We also help support student members to attend an ageing conference nationally or internationally through the Psychology and Ageing Conference Travel Award. Active also at the regional level, state Ageing Interest Groups hold regular meetings where group members can gather to discuss relevant issues, both formally at seminars, workshops and forums, and informally at more relaxed dinner engagements.

We also have emerging student sections of the interest group in several states. PAIG welcomes and encourages student input into our state and national meetings.