Child, Adolescent and Family Psychology

About Us

Mission Statement:

We are Australian Psychologists whose professional practice includes working with children, adolescents or families hoping to:

  1. bring together members with who are interested in working with children, adolescents or families,

  2. equip and train psychologists who work in this practice area, and 

  3. maximise the effectiveness of our work with children, adolescents or families.


We want to:

  1. provide high quality continuing professional development (CPD) for our members that focuses on our interests; 

  2. connect our members through networking opportunities; and

  3. providing a voice for our members on key topics or issues.


We aim to, through our volunteer committee, provide our members with:

  1. online webinars from experienced presenters about twice a year;

  2. occasional networking opportunities when they arise.


We measure our success through:

  1. growing the size and involvement of the National and State Committees;

  2. seeking feedback from our members using online surveys and through direct communication.