Psychology Education

Committee Information

Below are details of the current committee and vacancies. The APS is always on the look out for members who are interested in joining a Member Group committee, to help support and promote members, the profession, and the APS. For more information about joining a Member Groups committee, click here.

Have questions? Please feel free to contact committee members via PsyCommunity direct message here or reach out to APS Member Groups via [email protected].


Assoc Prof Tanya Machin
Tanya is an Associate Professor in Psychology and Counselling at the University of Southern Queensland. Her research interests lie in social media and technology across the lifespan. She is also the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) for the Academic Affairs Portfolio at UniSQ.


Dr Karen Marangio
Karen Marangio is a Lecturer at School of Curriculum, Teaching, and Inclusive Education, Monash University, with specialisations in psychology education and teacher professional learning. Karen aims to raise the profile of teachers and teaching of psychology in schools. Her research interests include: psychology curriculum; teaching psychological science in integrated ways to explore its value, complexity and relevance within our society, and ultimately, support a more equitable and sustainable future.
Karen has extensive experience coordinating units including psychology education in Initial Teacher Education programs; teaching psychology in schools across a range of Australian and international settings; chairing curriculum and examination panels for curriculum authorities; and has co-authored a wide range of materials for psychology teachers and students.


Prof Tony Machin
Professor Emeritus Tony Machin’s contribution to psychology education in Australia is extensive and includes developing psychology education programs, assisting with accreditation and quality assurance of psychology education programs, and advancing the status of psychology education in Australia.

He is a former Head of the USQ School of Psychology and Counselling (2008-2018), Treasurer of the Heads of Departments and Schools of Psychology Association (HODSPA Inc) (2008-2018), and he also served on the APS Division of Psychological Research, Education and Training Forum from 2014-2019.

Tony is also the recipient of the 2021 APS Major Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Education. The APS Awards make up the most prestigious group of awards recognising achievement in the field of Psychology in Australia, and this award was presented in recognition of Tony’s outstanding contribution to the education of psychologists over an extended period in Australia.

Committee Member

Prof Jacquelyn Cranney

Committee Member

Dr Melissa Davis
Melissa has worked as an academic in psychology for more than 20 years, teaching primarily into postgraduate training programs in Clinical and Professional psychology, as well as at Honours and undergraduate level, and supervising Honours, Masters and HDR research.

Committee Member

Dr Zoe Hazelwood
Dr Zoë Hazelwood is a Fellow of the APS and a passionate psychology educator. She is Director of Clinical Psychology Services at the QUT Health Clinic and is a senior lecturer at QUT, coordinating the professional Masters training programs for the School of Psychology and Counselling.

Zoë is a clinical psychologist and Board-approved supervisor with over 20 years’ experience as a psychologist and academic. Her practice has a focus on working with couples or individuals experiencing relationship distress, primarily using an emotionally focused therapy lens. She has also completed the Circle of Security intervention training and will utilise elements of ACT or CBT with her clients.

Zoë has won teaching awards for her work on teaching reflective practice to psychology students and she has been on successful category 1 competitive grant projects that explored the embedding of graduate attributes in the psychology curriculum.

Committee Member

Prof John Reece

Committee Member

Dr Natalie Gasson

Committee Member

Dr Susan Abel
Susan's research interests lie in digital technology use and impact across the lifespan. She has more recently focused on early career researchers through interdisciplinary research collaborations. In addition to her academic work, Susan is a board member for the Massim Cultural Foundation in PNG and supports the Massim Musem.

Committee Member

Assoc Prof Elissa Pearson-Reed
Elissa Pearson is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at UniSA and the Program Director for the Bachelor of Psychology offered through UniSA Online. She has >10 years experience teaching psychology and has coordinated courses across the breadth of the undergraduate curriculum, as well as supporting curriculum renewal projects and leading new course and program development. Elissa was the recipient of the 2016 APS Early Career Teaching Award.
Having previously served as the Associate Dean: Online Education, she has a particular interest in high-quality and engaging online teaching and learning and making psychology education more accessible. Other areas of interest include enhancing the professional identity and employability of psychology undergraduates; and drawing on her background in conservation psychology, exploring how psychological literacy can be applied to contemporary environmental challenges; and how student well-being can be supported through connecting and working with nature

Committee Member

Position vacant

Student Representative

Position vacant