Diverse Bodies, Genders, and Sexualities


The Psychology of Diverse Bodies, Genders and Sexualities Interest Group website aims to provide information regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex psychology in Australia. Psychology of Diverse Bodies, Genders and Sexualities Interest Group recognises the sovereignty of the many Indigenous nations upon whose land we live in Australia. Psychology of Diverse Bodies, Genders and Sexualities Interest Group also acknowledges the diversity of bodies, sexual orientations and gender identifications that are broadly represented by the field of psychology, and aims to develop representative and respectful engagements with a broad range of communities. Psychology of Diverse Bodies, Genders and Sexualities Interest Group is involved in advocacy work, in producing and supporting research in the diverse field of LGBTI+ psychology and advocating for high quality and evidence-based support for our populations, and in supporting practitioners in providing services to members of LGBTI+ communities.

The APS Public Interest team take a proactive approach to issues where psychology can make a contribution to public debate and policy in the interests of community wellbeing, and advocating for latest scientific and clinical advances in the field. They regularly develop materials (position statements, submissions, tip sheets, media releases etc.) in a range of areas to assist the APS to speak authoritatively on matters of public concern, in ways that can be readily understood by decision-makers, the media, and the general public. Check out the APS Public Interest LGBTI+ materials at Public Interest LGBTI Section

Terms of reference

  1. Encourage rigorous research, teaching and professional development opportunities in relation to sexual orientation and related gender issues within the discipline of psychology, with an emphasis on high quality science and evidence-based practice;
  2. Provide a forum for discussion and support for practitioners dealing with clients’ sexual orientation/gender and other identity issues;
  3. Liaise with other professional groups whose aims are congruent with those of the Interest Group and in accordance with those of The Australian Psychological Society Limited;
  4. Promote supportive care and well-informed practice for LGBTI+ clients; and
  5. Provide expert advice to and on behalf of The Australian Psychological Society Limited on issues relating to the area of sexual orientation and related gender issues.