Buddhism and Psychology


CPD and Events Finder

There are no events listed in the calendar for this APS Member Group.

The APS Buddhism and Psychology Interest Group and Buddhism and Psychology Network holds meetings regularly. We also keep you in touch with workshops or courses that are organised by other groups, which are aligned to the aims of the APS Buddhism and Psychology Interest Group.

December 4 2015:

Melbourne evening talk with Subhana Barzaghi: Zen & Insight Meditation teacher, Psychotherapist, Poet and Celebrant. 

It will be a contemplative and engaging evening of inspiration, warmth and wisdom.

This evening talk will focus on the benefits and importance of cultivating mindfulness and compassion in order to meet the challenges of working with people who are suffering, and balancing this with compassionate self-care. Altruistic compassion for ‘others’ as a way of being open and present to their suffering, and how self-compassion can prevent burn-out and compassion fatigue

Subhana’s passion and dedication for meditative and contemplative practices of inquiry has spanned 4 decades. She been teaching Zen and Insight Buddhist meditation retreats since 1991 throughout Australia and New Zealand and is an authorised Zen Roshi in the Diamond Sangha and resident teacher of the Sydney Zen Centre, founder of Kuan Yin Meditation Centre in Lismore and Blue Gum Sangha, Sydney. (For more info visit: http://subhana.com.au)

What: The healing qualities of Mindfulness and Self--compassion to prevent burn-out, stress and compassion fatigue: Melbourne area

When:            Friday 4th December 6-8pm

Where:           TBC, Malvern East area

Cost:              $30 BPIG Members, $45 non-members

Upcoming events 2016

International Guest Presenter: Lama Palden: March 2016, Melbourne and Sydney

In collaboration with AABCAP (Australian Association of Buddhist Counsellors and Psychotherapists), Lama Palden, a psychologist and Buddhist teacher who founded Sukhasiddhi Centre in San Francisco over 20 years ago will be visiting us in 2016. Lama Palden brings the teachings alive making them readily accessible to the Western mind.

Diarise now for the Melbourne and Sydney events below:

Evening workshops: The Awakened Feminine

Melbourne: Thursday March 3; Sydney: Tuesday March 8

Full day workshops (co-facilitated with Penny Fenner): Applied Buddhist Therapeutic Wisdom

Melbourne: Saturday March 5; Sydney: Thursday March 10

Residential retreat near Sydney: Deepening Our Realisation of Presence