Becoming a registered sport and exercise psychologist requires six years of full-time university study, including a four-year undergraduate program (e.g. Bachelor of Psychology or a three-year degree followed by an Honours program/fourth year in psychology) and at least two years of postgraduate study in sport and exercise psychology (i.e. a Masters or Doctoral program).
As of 2015, there will be one Australian university offering Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited programs in sport and exercise psychology:
All students who are currently enrolled in the postgraduate sport and exercise psychology programs are eligible for Student Subscribership of the APS, and for student membership of the APS College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists.
The benefits of student membership include receipt of APS national and state-based newsletters, access to website resourses, and regular information on psychological matters and job opportunities. Student members of the College are also encouraged to participate in the College's professional development actitivites, which assist in developing sport psychology-specific skills and knowledge, as well as providing opportunities to meet and network with experienced members of the specialist field.
To become a student member of the College, students should (1) complete the APS Student Subscriber application form, which must be verified by a psychology coordinator, lecturer or head of the psychology department, and (2) complete and attach the College Student application form (see How to join).
As part of every edition of the College's newsletter, The Sporting Mind (TSM), student members from each of the university training programs are invited to make a submission to be featured in 'Student Corner'. Please see previous editions of TSM for an overview this section and contact the Student Representative for further information.
If you would like further information about student membership of the College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists or would like to make a submission to TSM's Student Corner, please contact the student representative on the College's national committee, Michelle Heatley, at [email protected]