Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy and Psychology Interest Group

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Recorded webinars on demand


NEW Adaptions to EMDR for Autistic Clients


Caroline Van Diest 


Webinar eventcode 22681


This two-hour webinar will focus on the important adaptions required to all 8 phases of the EMDR protocol and includes examples of how Caroline adjusts her clinical practice when using EMDR with autistic clients. This webinar will allow you to be able to start adjusting your EMDR practice to enhance clinical outcomes with this population.  

More information and registerhttps://www.psychology.org.au/Event/22681


NEW The Theory of Structural Dissociation 

An Introductory Webinar 


Roger Solomon


Webinar eventcode 22675


This webinar is an introduction to the theory of Structural Dissociation. The webinar’s emphasis is on the key terms and theory of structural dissociation and how the theory can be integrated when treating a client with dissociation. Unfortunately, the video demonstrations are not recorded. 


More information and registerhttps://psychology.org.au/event/22675

This webinar is open to EMDR Therapy and Psychology group members and non-members.  

You do not have to be trained in EMDR to attend this webinar.


Trauma Response Network

The formation of a nation-wide network of EMDR therapists 

to provide immediate evidence-based trauma treatment 

to people affected by natural disasters


Webinar event code 22533

Fiona Mawson will introduce and host the webinar. Pam Brown will talk about the project’s goals - to provide immediate support for first responders so they can continue to work, to upskill existing EMDR therapists in disasters response and early intervention work and to build capacity in communities by providing EMDR therapy training.  The project has many partners - Rotary, NovoPsych, 180 Degrees Consulting (Monash University) and plans to build a national network of EMDR therapists working together to provide healing to those most in need. Jenny Dwyer will overview the basic concepts of R-TEP and G-TEP and highlight the ways these interventions have been used around the world. She will share her clinical experience of Early Intervention with a range of presenting problems, including delivering online during COVID-19. Sarah Schubert will summarise the international guidelines for EMDR as an early intervention, and highlight treatment protocols that have been developed to help children and adults post-disaster, and whilst trauma exposure continues.  Sarah will take you back to your EMDR roots, to remind you how recent events differ in their memory, and overview Shapiro’s original recent event protocol that you can all use with individual clients to treat recent events and ongoing stressors.

Topics covered:

What is the Trauma Recovery Network Australia (TRNA) and how to join

Benefits for therapist involved in the TRNA

Information about Elan Shapiro’s G-Tep and R-Tep

Information about the standard EMDR early intervention protocols

International guidelines for early intervention in disaster response

For more information and registration: www.psychology.org.au/Event/22533


EMDR for Australian disasters victims and first responders

A shared experience

Webinar event code 22020

In this webinar we will discuss using EMDR with victims and first responders of Australian disasters. Lyne Tremblay, an experienced EMDR clinician who works in a bushfire area and has victims from decades of bushfires, will share her experiences and the do’s and don’ts with us. After her presentation there is time for questions and discussion. Arianne Struik will present on how moral injury and betrayal trauma can have a huge impact on victims and first responders and how to address this in EMDR sessions. After a break Donna Fyfe, an ex-senior-sergeant of the Police, now EMDR clinician and survivor of multiple cyclones herself will share her experiences of helping and assisting victims while living in the area yourself and how important it is to care for yourself. Fiona Mawson will then discuss the practical issues such as online EMDR, Medicare item numbers and connecting with the Trauma Recovery Network Australia.  The last 30 minutes of the presentation is reserved for selfcare. Carrying the trauma, powerlessness, grief, loss and despair of our clients can be very heavy on us as EMDR clinicians. Many of us, working with these disaster victims, have ourselves been affected by the fires, floods and cyclones as well. We also, are stressed and have lost. Therefore, we have asked Irene R. Siegel, an expert in teaching on this topic, to do some experiential selfcare exercises with us. 

For more information and registration: https://www.psychology.org.au/Event/22020?view=true