Committee Information
Below are details of the current committee and vacancies. The APS is always on the look out for members who are interested in joining a Member Group committee, to help support and promote members, the profession, and the APS. For more information about joining a Member Groups committee, click here.
Have questions? Please feel free to contact committee members via PsyCommunity direct message here or reach out to APS Member Groups via [email protected].
Ms Renee Dela Cruz
Renee is an experienced psychologist with a passion for improving the quality of life of individuals with a disability. She has spent the last 20+ years working with neurodivergent infants, children, adolescence & adults delivering evidence-based behavioural, relationship and developmental therapy approaches that focus on improving quality of life. Renee is a neurodivergent affirming psychologist who aims to assist families to understand behaviour and build relationships that are pivotal in guiding individuals to reach their full potential.
Renee has extensive experience working as a senior and principal practitioner within the public, not-for-profit & private sectors. She also has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the NDIS space.
Renee is a passionate advocate who believes that all individuals have the right to access high quality support. She brings her knowledge and strong leadership skills to her role as Convener to support other psychologists in the disability space.
Dr Sarah Milsome
Sarah Milsome is a clinical psychologist and is particularly interested in the mental health of people with intellectual disability. Sarah completed her doctoral thesis on depressive disorders in adolescents with intellectual disability. She has also worked with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities on other research projects, in community-based settings, and public health settings.
Mrs Deanna Gough
Psychologist and Board Approved Supervisor, who predominately works in the disabilities space supporting individuals and their families with neurodiversity and disabilities across the lifespan.
I have two private practices in Brisbane located at Ashgrove and Mitchelton, where we provide training and support for students wishing to enhance their skills in the disabilities sector.
Events Coordinator
Mrs Anita Gardner
I am a Research Psychologist at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead (Sydney, Australia), work in private practice 1 day a week and a sessional academic at Western Sydney Uni. My clinical background provides a strong foundation to my current research into understanding and improving emotions competence in neurodivergent young people. Guided by inclusive research practices, and the importance of the lived experience, I am the lead researcher in a current study being conducted in partnership with CPA. Since 2000 I have specialised in Autism, working across the lifespan, but with a particular interest in adolescence. I am passionate about providing caring, professional and evidence-based programs that improve short and long-term outcomes, including quality of life. Over the years, I have conducted workshops to psychologists, parents, teachers and allied health professionals. I have also presented at national & international conferences.
Committee Member
Ms Lyndel Kennedy
Lyndel Kennedy is a PhD candidate within the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, tutor, author, editor and parent of three neurodivergent young adults. Her PhD research investigates success in higher education for neurodivergent students, with a focus on improving higher education experiences for this important and growing student population.
In mid-2020 she cofounded CANDID, a peer support network for La Trobe University students with neurodivergencies and/or disabilities with fellow PhD student, now Dr Laena D'Alton. She also facilitates the Aspergers Victoria Young Adults group and has been active in the running of Aspergers Victoria since 2008, having held a wide range of positions including President and Vice President.
She is a member of the Australian Psychological Society, Institute of Professional Editors, Australasian Society for Autism Research, International Society for Autism Research, and the Australasian ADHD Professionals Association.
Committee Member
Dr David Hammer
David Hammer is a psychologist who has been working in the NDIS since its commencement. David has a practice based in the Illawarra region within NSW focusing on the provision of behavioural supports and psychology for NDIS participants. His passion for working in psychology commenced in a year 10 human biology class in school where there was much debate around disability and different psychological conditions. In 2018 David completed his Phd undertaking longitudinal research in a child's ability to self-regulate and later academic and non academic outcomes into adolescence. This research has informed his practice and work within the disability sector. in addition to psychology David enjoys his creating and developing his home garden.
Committee Member
Mr Samuel Arnold
I am a Research Fellow based at the Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN), University of New South Wales. Please see my full bio here
Student Representative
Ms Anastasia Davy
Anastasia Davy has applied her Masters of International and Community Development from Deakin University in a diverse range of settings: international development, social inclusion policy, and leading community work. A common theme has been finding innovative approaches to increase the inclusion of marginalised groups. Anastasia provides neurodiversity training to workplaces, sporting teams, and people who work with children. She is currently retraining as a psychologist at the University of Canberra and researching assessment practices for diagnosing intellectual disability in people who are not able to engage in standardised IQ assessments.
Student Representative
Mr Chad Henney
Chad is a postgraduate student and provisional psychologist, currently completing a Master of Psychology (Clinical) part-time. As co-director of Ivy Psychology, an NDIS-registered provider, he manages business operations, leads a team of behaviour support practitioners, and carries a caseload of behaviour support clients. He has experience in the NDIS and private practice across clinical and forensic psychology. An active member of the Australian Psychological Society, Chad has contributed to multiple APS committees over the past five years, including the Sydney Branch student sub-committee and the ACT Branch Committee, where he played a key role in its revitalisation. He is also completing the APS Emerging Leaders Program in 2025. Before psychology, Chad spent fifteen years working in television and film. He is based in Sydney.