APS College of Health Psychologists


Conferences and other CPD events

Below is a list of conferences and other CPD events that may interest members. Members are invited to suggest other conferences. Please submit your suggestions to Web Editor, National Executive, at [email protected] for consideration. 

2016 ICBM Melbourne International Congress of Behavioral Medicine

7 – 10 December 2016 Conference Venue: Pullman Melbourne Hotel.

More information

VicHealth CPD CPD and Events Finder

VicHealth operate a CPD Calendar that lists events that focus on promoting good health and preventing ill-health.

For further information see: www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/en/Seminars-and-Events.aspx 

PHC RIS CPD and Events Finder

Primary Health Care Research and Information Service maintain a useful events calendar that focuses on primary health.

For further information see: www.phcris.org.au/eventsdiary/index.php

APA CPD and Events Finder

American Psychological Association maintain a useful events calendar that focuses on psychology events in the USA.

For further information see: www.apa.org/news/events/index.aspx


Maintained by Dr Mike Shelley (shelleymike@rocketmail.com).

