Buddhism and Psychology

Research Information

Member Research

Buddhism in psychology is an emerging field of academic research. Few empirically-grounded and evidence-based research studies have been completed. More research is needed.

The BPIG supports academic research into the role of Buddhism in psychology and therapeutic practice completed by its members.

Following is research currently being supported by the BPIG:

Research title: Mindfulness and our day-to-day lives - the effects and attentional processes underlying mindfulness

As a doctoral student in the School of Psychology at the University of Sydney, Fiona Pavlakis, is currently undertaking a study examining how attention changes and develops with meditative practices.

This study aims to explore how such changes following mental training may impact one's daily life, particularly their functioning and thriving in challenging and dynamic workplace environments.

Fiona is currently seeking experienced meditators/monks with experience in meditation in one of the following traditions:

  • vipassana
  • insight
  • zen, or
  • therevada.

The research is being conducted in Sydney, involves two-hours of your time and requires you complete a series of attention activities. If you have experience undertaking one of the above meditative traditions, please participate in this research by contacting Fiona via [email protected].

This study has full ethical approval from both the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales.

Research title: The pinnacle of a spiritual life and how it is attained – Implications for individuals and organisations

Expand the understanding of spirituality

Richard Harmer, a PhD student at Australian Catholic University, is currently undertaking research exploring spirituality and how people create meaning in their life and work.

He invites you and any of your interested colleagues to complete a confidential online questionnaire that seeks to understand people’s spiritual experiences and life beliefs - including mindfulness - as they relate to social connectedness and work satisfaction.

The findings from this questionnaire will be used to better understand people’s spiritual practices and identify some of the personal and work benefits for people adopting a more spiritual life.

For your participation Richard will provide you with a free and comprehensive summary of the overall research findings.

This study has full ethical approval from Australian Catholic University.