Psychosis and Psychology

Committee Information

Below are details of the current committee and vacancies. The APS is always on the look out for members who are interested in joining a Member Group committee, to help support and promote members, the profession, and the APS. For more information about joining a Member Groups committee, click here.

Have questions? Please feel free to contact committee members via PsyCommunity direct message here or reach out to APS Member Groups via [email protected].



Prof Neil Thomas
Professor Neil Thomas is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Digital Health at Swinburne University of Technology. He has extensive experience working in specialist services for people with severe mental illness in London and Melbourne, across acute, community mental health, forensic and rehabilitation settings. He established an internationally pioneering specialist Voices Clinic in Melbourne almost 20 years ago, and is known internationally for his research on developing and trialling of psychological therapies for psychosis, and on the experience of hallucinations.


Dr Rachel Brand
Rachel is a clinical psychologist and lecturer in clinical psychology at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Rachel is passionate about improving access to psychological therapies for people experiencing psychosis and has worked in a number of specialist psychosis services, both in the UK and Australia. Rachel’s research focuses on understanding psychological factors involved in psychotic symptoms and developing and testing empirically derived, targeted psychological interventions for people experiencing psychosis, as well as exploring barriers in implementation of interventions for psychosis in the Australian psychology workforce.


Dr Simone Farrelly

Committee Member

Miss Pauline Tibbertsma
Pauline joined the committee as a student member while studying at Swinburne University of Technology. She is now a Clinical Psychology Registrar working in between private practice and private hospital settings. She has remained a member of the committee, but additional student members would be very welcome.

Committee Member

Dr Eric Morris
Dr Eric Morris is an Associate Professor at La Trobe University and Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Northern Health, Melbourne, Australia. Eric teaches and supervises provisional psychologists undertaking masters-level training in a university setting. He has over thirty years’ experience working as a clinical psychologist in Australia and the United Kingdom, engaging people with complex mental health problems and their families in public mental health services. Through ACTUALISE Lab, Eric researches Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as an intervention for recovery from psychosis, anxiety, insomnia, to support caregivers, and for workplace resilience training. Eric is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, and the British Journal of Clinical Psychology. He is a Fellow of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science.

Committee Member

Position vacant

Student Representative

Mr Robbie Devlin

Student Representative

Position vacant