Psychology and the Performing Arts and Entertainment Industry

Committee Information

Below are details of the current committee and vacancies. The APS is always on the look out for members who are interested in joining a Member Group committee, to help support and promote members, the profession, and the APS. For more information about joining a Member Groups committee, click here.

Have questions? Please feel free to contact committee members via PsyCommunity direct message here or reach out to APS Member Groups via [email protected].



Assoc Prof Glen Hosking
I have 20 years experience as a clinical psychologist in academic, private practice, educational and hospital settings. I currently hold the position of Associate Professor of Psychology at La Trobe University, where I teach into all postgraduate psychology programs. Prior to this, I worked in the postgraduate teaching team at Victoria University, a position which included director of the internal training clinic.

As well as working in academic settings, I also operate a private practice working with children and adolescents, and am the convener of the APS Psychology and the Performing Arts and Entertainment Industry Interest Group. This is an area of personal, research and professional interest.


Dr Julie Crabtree


Dr Zhiwen Gao

Committee Member

Dr Jane Miskovic-Wheatley

Committee Member

Position vacant

Student Representative

Position vacant