Committee Information
Below are details of the current committee and vacancies. The APS is always on the look out for members who are interested in joining a Member Group committee, to help support and promote members, the profession, and the APS. For more information about joining a Member Groups committee, click here.
Have questions? Please feel free to contact committee members via PsyCommunity direct message here or reach out to APS Member Groups via [email protected].
Miss Jacqueline White
Jacqui is a Board approved Supervisor and a Psychologist in Private Practice in Ballarat. Jacqui is also Yoga, a facilitator for Tackle Your Feelings and loves promoting ways to help people to reach their potential.
Previously she has worked for the Commonwealth Government (Royal Australian Airforce, Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service, and Centrelink), the Northern Territory Insurance Office, a Primary Health Network, headspace, and been a CEO of an Employee Assistance Program.
She has been an active member of the APS and currently the Ballarat Branch Chair and also the Secretary of the APS Psychology and Yoga Interest Group (IG). She is a member of the EMDR IG. She has held many volunteer positions in the APS and is open to any suggestions or feedback about how the Branch or IGs can make this year even better for our membership.
She combines passions and weaves these into work - with Yoga, Qi Gong, Animal Assisted Play Therapy and Animal Handler training and qualifications.
Ms Jessica Siljanovski
Jess is a registered general psychologist currently undertaking Master of Clinical Psychology (Post Registration). Jess has predominately worked in the forensic environment with a range of co-morbid disorders particularly linked to substance use disorders.
Jess has been involved within the APS Ballarat Branch Committee for a number of years as Chair, Secretary and Member.
Prof Dixie Statham
Dr Dixie Statham, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at Federation University, Ballarat, Victoria. She is a Fellow of the College of Clinical Psychologists (CCLP), a member of the National CCLP Committee, & a member of the CCLP Committee for Victoria.
Dixie has a strong interest in the education of psychologists and in supporting students and early career psychologists to develop their professional identity, careers, and leadership skills in regional and rural communities.
Her research in substance misuse, trauma, anxiety and depression, has produced 100+ co-authored peer-reviewed papers, which are closely aligned with her clinical interests. In clinical practice, Dixie works with CBT & Schema Therapy to provide assessment and treatment of complex, co-morbid disorders. She also has a strong interest in neurodiversity and the parenting challenges for mothers with autism & ADHD.
Committee Member
Mr Michael Lake
Psychologist since 1974.Worked in Psych. hospitals,Universities,State Government, Management and Psych consulting groups. Private practice(Clinical,Forensic,Organisational Services) since1990 .Current primary work Assessment Crisis and Trauma Counselling, VOCAT, Worksafe,Family Court,Legal Aid, VAP, ABI clinic and Lawyers.
Committee member off and on since 90's...interested in increasing awareness of Psychology in Professional and Social communities.
Married 2 kids,4 delightful grandchildren.
Passions 50-80's Rock and Blues, Visual Arts,Sailing and Travel.
On Linked In for more info
Committee Member
Ms Sarah Butt
Psychologist. Persistent Pain Management Team Lead - Grampians Health.
Previous experience:
Ballarat Health - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Ballarat Health- Grampians Assessment and Neuropsychology Service for Kids
Ballarat Health - Clinical Rehabilitation (inpatient and outpatient)
Grampians Health- Team Lead Persistent Pain Management Program
Private Practice
Pain Revolution - Local Pain Educator
Sarah believes in the importance of connecting psychologists in the community to establish a culture of kindness, compassion and care. Sarah is passionate about pain neuroscience and holistic management of chronic health conditions. Sarah also has an interest in leadership and the unique skill set psychologists bring to fields of management.
Sarah is a busy mother, who balances work with keeping physically and mentally active, and ensuring time for fun and relaxation. Sarah feels most at ease when she is near the ocean.
Committee Member
Miss Jaimie Bellaart
Jaimie is a registered general psychologist working in private practice. As an early career psychologist, Jaimie is actively exploring a variety of areas of interest and gaining experience working with a diverse range of populations.
Student Representative
Mr Michael Wilson
Michael is a 6th year student, currently enrolled in the Master of Psychology (Clinical) at Federation University.
Since completing a BSc majoring in Psychology in 2014, Michael has predominantly been working with complex forensic clients in a case management capacity. While his interests are closely aligned to forensic clients, he is very much looking forward to expanding his horizons over the next two years of study and beyond.