APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists

Past CCN events


National Annual General Meeting - College of Clinical Neuropsychologists

Date: Tuesday 10th December 2024

Time: 7:00pm AEDT

Location: Online

Format: Webinar
(Meeting ID: 850 7541 1290 Passcode: 326612)
Free for CCN members only. 
The event will NOT be recorded. 

Annual General Meeting (AGM) – CCN NSW Section & Trivia Event with prizes

Date: Monday 9th December 2024

AGM: 7:00pm to 7:30pm AEDT
Trivia Event: 7:30pm to 8:30pm AEDT

Location: Online

Format: Webinar
Learning Outcomes:
  • AGM:

    • Awareness of achievements and challenges.
    • Understand financial health.
    • Membership engagement and impact
    • Feedback and input integration
  • Trivia Event:
    • Knowledge acquisition
    • Teamwork and collaboration
    • Cognitive stimulation
    • Social engagement
    • Competitive spirit
Free for CCN NSW members only. 
The event will NOT be recorded. 

NeuroChats: Virtual networking for (neuro)psychology students & early career neuropsychologists

Facilitators: Chandelle Piazza and Vivian Leung

Date: Thursday 28th November 2024
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm AEDT

Location: Online

Format: Webinar
Aim: In this interactive 90-minute session, you will dive into engaging breakout rooms where you can meet new faces and spark meaningful conversations. We will provide thought-provoking questions to guide your discussions, allowing you to share your interests and experiences in the field of neuropsychology.
Free for CCN students members, CCN members and APS student members. Discounts available for APS members. 
The event will NOT be recorded. 

Vic Section AGM & PD: The role of sex hormones in neuropsychology, with a focus on menopause and brain fog

Presenter: A/Prof Caroline Gurvich

Date: Wednesday 27th November 2024 
Part 1 - PD (7:00-8:00pm) AEDT
Part 2 - Annual General Meeting (AGM; 8:00-8:30pm) AEDT
Note: Attendees will be required to pay a fee for Part 1 but NOT for Part 2. Attendees can choose to attend either or both parts of the evening. Those who simply wish to attend the AGM but not the PD are asked to register their attendance directly with Tracey Chau (tracey.chau (a) monash.edu).

Location: Online

Format: Webinar

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe and understand the impact of sex hormones and life changes associated with hormonal changes on mental health and cognition
  • Develop an understanding of the neuropsychology of menopause and menopausal 'brain fog'
  • Develop an understanding of the unique intersection between menopause and neurodivergence
Free for CCN students. Discounts available for CCN members, APS student members & APS members. 
The event will be recorded.  

Exploring the Role of Personality in Neuropsychology

Presenter: Zac Teichmann and Emeritus Professor Simon Crowe

Date: Wednesday 30th October 2024
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm AEDT

Location: Online

Format: Webinar
Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the dimensional model of personality dysfunction.
  • Develop a therapeutic approach to clients with personality dysfunction across various neuropsychological roles.
  • Understand the evidence base underlying the use of the PAI in neuropsychological populations.
  • Confidently employ and interpret the results of the PAI as a symptom validity measure in neuropsychological assessments.

The evidence and implementation of neuropsychological interventions for older adults

Presenter: Dr Kerryn Pike MAPS

Date: Thursday 31st October 2024

Time: 12:00pm to 1:30pm AEDT

Location: Online

Format: Webinar
Learning Outcomes:
  • recognise some of the most important considerations when working with older adults,
  • discuss the research evidence on neuropsychological interventions for older adults, including those with dementia and mild cognitive impairment, and
  • implement simple cognitive strategies that could be used in practice with older adults.

An overview of Neuropsychological Practice in Forensic Settings

Presenter: Dr Michael Takagi

Date: Tuesday 29th October 2024 

Time: 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM AEDT

Location: Online

Format: Webinar

Learning Outcomes:

  • Better understand what neuropsychology in forensic settings looks like
  • Identify key clinical skills when working with individuals in the forensic settings
  • Understand how ethical principles differ in forensic settings

UWA Case Conferences

Session 2: 9th Sep 2024 05:15 PM - 06:15 PM AWST - (panel) -Assessment of Fitness in Criminal Law Matters presented by Dr Liz Vuletich and Dr Mandy Vidovich

Session 3: 14th Oct  2024 05:15 PM - 06:15 PM AWST - Case Presentation by Ms Hannah Dwyer. 

Location: UWA Robin Winkler Clinic Level 1, 38 Myers St, Crawley WA 6009 Australia

Venue is wheelchair accessible

Format: In person only.   

What’s new with the WAIS-5?

Presenters: Dr. Melissa Stephens and Hannah Cruickshank Campbell (Pearson  Clinical Assessment Australia)

Date: Tuesday 22nd October 2024 
Time: 12:30 PM - 02:00 PM AEDT

Location: Online

Format: Webinar

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe changes to the test structure and framework for the WAIS-V
  • Recognise the new subtests
  • Differentiate primary, ancillary, and expanded index scores
  • Describe the new Australian and New Zealand standardisation project

Understanding and Treating Emotion Dysregulation after Brain Injury through the Lens of Alexithymia

Presenter: Professor Dawn Neumann

Date: Friday 27th September 2024 

Time: 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM AWST

Location: Online

Format: Webinar


  • Describe the role of alexithymia on emotional functioning in people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). 
  • Describe findings from a randomized waitlist controlled trial, which examined the efficacy of a treatment, Training to Reconnect with Emotional Awareness Therapy (TREAT), to reduce alexithymia and improve emotional functioning in participants with TBI.  
  • A detailed review of the treatment components and sessions will be provided.

Malingering Theory and Practical Skills

Presenter: Dr Grant Blake

Date: Thursday 5th & Friday 6th September 2024

Location: Metro Hotel Perth, 61 Canning Highway , South Perth, Perth, WA 6151

Venue was wheelchair accessible 

Format: Registration is for the two-day in-person workshop and catering will be provided.

It is intended that participants will:

  • Understand the correct and incorrect terminologies to use when commenting upon symptom validity (e.g., “poor effort” is typically an incorrect term).
  • Understand the frequency with which therapeutic and assessment clients are dishonest about their symptoms.
  • Understand symptom validity detection methods.
  • Practice administering and scoring tests for feigned PTSD, depression and anxiety, memory problems, cognitive impairment, and psychosis.
  • Practice giving feedback to a treatment client about the results and treatment plan. 

Cognition, kiddies and cookies: The role of neuropsychology in paediatric rehabilitation

Presenter: Dr Jennifer Papoutsis & Dr Rebecca Brown

Date: Monday 26th August 2024 6pm - 7pm AEST
Format: Webinar

Upon completion of this event, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the role of a clinical neuropsychologist working in paediatric rehabilitation
  • Understand the unique opportunities and challenges in paediatric neuropsychological rehabilitation
  • Recognise the importance of collaboration in optimizing outcomes for children in rehabilitation
  • Be exposed to the experience of an early career psychologist working in paediatric rehabilitation
This event was recorded. 

Pathways to Healthy Minds in Ageing and Neurodegeneration: A Journey of Discovery and Translation

Presenter: Professor Sharon Naismith

Date: Wednesday 14th August 2024 6:30pm - 7:30pm AEST
Format: Hybrid. Live stream available. 
Location: The Brain and Mind Centre, 94 Mallett Street, Building F Level 5 Lecture Theatre (502) Camperdown NSW 2050. Venue is wheelchair accessible.
Upon completion of this event, participants should be able to:
  • A. Learn key established factors linked to cognitive decline in brain ageing and early neurodegenerative disease

  • B. Understand how sleep and circadian disturbance is linked to cognition in older people, and how to detect and treat sleep disturbance
  • C. Learn of national coordinated efforts to harness and disseminate key learnings in cognitive interventions
  • D. Reflect on the key roles and challenges of neuropsychologists in the broader landscape of Alzheimer’s disease    

Risk factors for poor recovery after mild traumatic brain injury: Moving beyond mood and anxiety


Multimodal treatments for adults with persisting post concussive symptoms: Applying the learnings from a research trial of interdisciplinary treatment (i-RECOveR)

Presenter: A/Prof. Jacqueline Anderson; A/Prof. Adam McKay and Dr. Jack Nguyen
Date: Thursday 18th July 2024 7pm - 8:30pm AEST
Format: Webinar

Upon completion of this event, participants should be able to:

  • understand and identify additional risk factors for poor recovery after mild traumatic brain injury, beyond mood, 
  • recognise the role of a neuropsychologist within an interdisciplinary, multimodal treatment framework for persistent post-concussive symptoms, and 
  • develop a toolkit of psychological treatments that can be incorporated into neuropsychological intervention for persistent post-concussive symptoms.
This event was recorded. 

Cognition in older adults

Organised by the Psychology and Ageing Interest Group

Presenter: Katherine Franks, Clinical Neuropsychologist
Date: Thursday 6th Jun 2024 12:00pm to 1:30pm AEST

Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to:

  • describe common cognitive changes in older adults and their causes,

  • outline common issues and considerations in the assessment of older adults, and
  • recognise the role of neuropsychology in the assessment of older adults.
The event was recorded.  

Unlocking the Power of Sleep: Understanding the Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience of Sleep

A NAN event

Financial decision making in older age

Presenter: Professor Duke Han

Date: Wednesday 27th February 2024 11AM to 12:30PM AEDT.

Location: Online. 

Registration: https://psychology.org.au/event/24160 

The event was recorded.  

Mind Mingle: A Neuropsychology Career Exploration

Presenters: A panel of recent graduates and early career neuropsychologists.

Date: Tuesday 26th March 2024 6PM to 8:30PM AEDT.

Location: Australian Hearing Hub, Macquarie University, NSW. 

The event was NOT recorded.  

Understanding Neurodiversity and working effectively with Adults who have Autism

Presenters: A.Prof Caroline Fisher and Dr Nicci Grace

Date: Thursday 18th April 2024 7PM AEST.

Location: Online. 

Free for CCN student members and discounted prices for APS CCN members and APS student members. 
The event was recorded. 



Practical Trauma-Informed Care in the Neuropsychology Context


The Neuropsychology of Long COVID: Evidence and Interventions

Presenters: Associate Professor Sarah Bendall; Dr. Jodie McGregor, Dr. Jo Wrench, James Lewis and Dr. Jo Buchanan

Date: Friday 10th November 2023 9AM to 4:30PM AEDT.

Location: Graduate House, 220 Leicester Street Melbourne VIC 3053

Discounts for APS members, APS student members, CCN members and CCN student members. 
Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea are included.


Translating Neuropsychology: Understanding Menopause

Webinar organised by the Victoria State Section 

Tuesday 16 May 2023 6:30pm - 8:00pm AEST


Neuropsychotherapy And Community Integration: Frameworks For Addressing The Emotional And Social Challenges Of Brain Disabilities

Presenter: Professor Tedd Judd, PhD ABPP-CN.

Webinar organised by the Victoria State Section 

Date: Wednesday 13th September, 2023 12noon to 1:30PM AEST.

Location: Online. 


Click here for more APS CPD events.