Once again, welcome to the Far North Queensland Branch of the Australian Psychological Society – a branch that represents around 200 members.
The current APS FNQ Branch offers a broad and regionally appropriate array of social, networking, personal and professional development opportunities to members of all grades. Members are kept up to date by email, flyers and webpage updates of activities.
This year we will be offereing an array of professional and personal development opportunities.
So after our 'Self - Care' AGM on February 19th at Rydges Esplanade........ planned is: the Stressed? Stretched? seminar & retreat, The Teenage Brain workshops, and Rossouw returns for the Neuroscience of the Ageing Brain, & the Amazing Ageing retreat. Click on the CPD & Events page for links to details for each of these events.
And that is just the first of the part of the year!
Do you have an idea for a workshop, social or seminar that you would like to share?
If so contact us at [email protected]
We look forward to catching up with, or meeting you, at one of our events.