APS Interest Group on Performing Arts and Entertainment Industry Psychology
To develop a network of members throughout Australia who are interested in the application of psychology to the well-being and optimal performance of people in the performing arts and others working in the entertainment industry.
To distribute information about relevant developments in research and professional practice through professional development activities, such as conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as written and multimedia material.
To facilitate professional support through networking and collaboration between Interest Group members, as well as non-member APS psychologists, in respect of assisting those in the performing arts and entertainment industry.
To increase awareness of APS psychologists and other mental health professionals of issues affecting people working in the performing arts and entertainment industry and effective psychological strategies for assisting them.
To develop and promote policies by government, educators, employers and other entertainment groups that improve the access to mental health services by people working in the performing arts and entertainment industry.
To encourage and support psychological research into the mental health, wellbeing and performance of those in the performing arts and entertainment industry.