Rural and Remote Psychology

Committee Information

Below are details of the current committee and vacancies. The APS is always on the look out for members who are interested in joining a Member Group committee, to help support and promote members, the profession, and the APS. For more information about joining a Member Groups committee, click here.

Have questions? Please feel free to contact committee members via PsyCommunity direct message here or reach out to APS Member Groups via [email protected].



Mrs Margi Johnson
Rurally practising Forensic Psychologist with a special interest in victims of crime, trauma and grief. Also doing some sessional teaching and moving towards retirement via supervision of other clinicians.


Mrs Michelle Aniftos
Michelle Aniftos (Director, Mylne Street Mental Health) BSocSc; MEd; MPsych (Clin); GradCertClinNeuro; MAPS; FCCLP; BCN; QEEG-D; ACCP (Neuro)

Michelle is a Clinical Psychologist working in tertiary education & private practice in Toowoomba, Qld. Michelle has lived and worked in rural and regional QLD for >40 yrs. She has been an active APS member for over 15 years; is an elected Fellow of the Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia, and Fellow of the Biofeedback International Certification Alliance. Michelle has completed Masters degrees in both Education (Special Ed; & Guidance & Counselling) and Psychology (Clinical) and has post-grad certification in Clinical Neurophysiology. In addition to advanced cognitive and behavioural therapies, Michelle has completed training in ACT and IPT. Michelle has a special interest in exploring neurophysiological attributes in mental disorder (through EEG & ERP studies) and incorporating biofeedback with traditional therapies.


Mrs Genevieve Moore

Committee Member

Miss Helena McCalman

Committee Member

Ms Martina Browne

Committee Member

Dr Amanda Rogers

Committee Member

Mr Marc Di Cioccio

Committee Member

Mrs Rebecca Alexander

Committee Member

Ms Malinda Guest

Committtee Member

Dr Megan Forbes

Committee Member

Position vacant

Student Representative

Position vacant