APS College of Clinical Psychologists

Rural, Regional and Remote

The APS College of Clinical Psychologists has long recognised the difficulty that many of our rural and remote members have finding and attending high quality, affordable, and relevant CPD events. Gaining advanced clinical professional development from colleagues is geographically and financially difficult. Over the years we have explored a number of ways of better meeting the CPD needs of rural and remote members without great success … that is until now!

We have developed an advanced five part webinar series; “Expert Panel: PTSD and Complex Trauma - One complex case – four approaches

You’ve been referred a client who has experienced a significant trauma with numerous complex needs. What would you do? How might this differ depending on your preferred treatment orientation? We asked four experts how they would proceed with the case. Interested?

We have brought together four of Australia’s best presenters; experts in their area, to each discuss the same case from their therapy orientation.

This webinar series is cost effective, can be view many times and watched from the comfort of your own home, wherever you are located. It can be viewed live or accessed any time you like in the 12 months following the presentation.

Each webinar is only $40 for clinical college   members, and you can purchase just one, or all five webinars (for the price of four). To join hundreds of our colleagues from around the country please register here.




InPsych Special Edition on Rural Issues - October 2011

Please click the link for the articles dedicated to the rural issues in the October 2011 edition of InPsych. (PDF - Acrobat icon - small)

Rural & Remote Resources

National Rural Health Alliance - www.ruralhealth.org.au
The NRHA is the peak non-government rural and remote health organisation in Australia, with 33 member bodies including the APS through the participation of the APS Rural and Remote Interest Group. NRHS has a bimontly peer reviewed journal - Australian Journal of Rural Health. NRHA's vision is equivalent health and well-being in rural, regional and remote Australia by the year 2020.

Services for Australian rural and remote allied health - www.sarrah.org.au
SARRAH’s primary objective is to advocate for, develop and provide services to enable Allied Health Professionals who live and work in rural and remote areas of Australia to confidently and competently carry out their professional duties in providing a variety of health services.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation - www.abc.net.au/rural
Australian Broadcast Corporations rural news which allows for a search of mental health related news articles.

Additional Resources

The links below will direct you to a number of useful organisations providing relevant information on training, research, funding, scholarships and networking opportunites including upcoming conferences.

Latest news

31 October 2011


This months InPsych is a special edition on 'Psychology in the bush: Enhancing rural Australian's health and wellbeing' Please click below to view the electronic version of this edition.  http://www.psychology.org.au/publications/inpsych/2011/#s1

6 September 2011


Please click here to view the press release by The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing.

5 September 2011

Nursing & Allied Health Rural Locum Scheme

The Nursing & Allied Health Rural Locum Scheme (NAHRLS) has been established to support nurses, midwives and eligible allied health professionals (including psychologists) in rural and regional Australia to get away to do the professional development training they need to continue their vital work. Please click on the link below for further information.


29 August 2011

The APS has announced that the October 2011 edition of InPsych will have a cover feature on 'The Health and Wellbeing of Regional and Rural Australians'. The edition will include articles with 'a practical application of the cover feature, with an 'on-the-ground' focus relevant to the theme'.

**This page has been developed by the National Executive Committee in recognition of the need to support members of the college working in regional, rural, and remote settings.