Psychologists in Oncology

Welcome to the website of the APS Psychologists in Oncology Interest Group.


Terms of reference:

  1. To establish a nationwide forum for peer consultation, information-sharing and communication that caters specifically for psychologists and working in oncology.
  2. To establish a linking mechanism that brings individual state Psychologists in Oncology groups together
  3. To provide peer support for psychologists working in oncology who are out of the hospital system and in remote areas
  4. To address the unique and specific issues of psychologists working clinically in oncology
  5. To promote the professional recognition of psycho-oncology within the APS
  6. To offer professional networking and support for less experienced psychologists in the form of mentoring, supervision and/or peer consultation
  7. To provide a medium for the professional development of psychologists working in oncology through meetings with appropriate guest speakers, workshops, discussion groups, etc.
  8. To promote best practice professional development within the psychology profession and beyond for Psychologist in Oncology , and facilitate discussions for the development of guidelines for professional/training programmes
  9. To liaise with other professional groups whose aims are congruent with those of the APSInterest Group on Psychologists in Oncologyand are in accordance with those of The Australian Psychological Society Limited.