APS College of Community Psychologists

News Updates

Professor Grace Pretty Receives 2011 Award of Distinction

David Stokes recently presented Professor Grace Pretty with the 2011 APS College of Community Psychology Award of Distinction for her outstanding contribution to the College and her "substantial contribution across two continents to the profession and discipline of psychology, all in the context of enhancing community wellbeing". 

Professor Grace Pretty (left) receives the 2011 Award of Distinction from David Stokes and College Chair, Professor Lynne Cohen.

Robin Winkler Award 

For further information on submitting an application please go to:



National Registration Scheme: Open Letter to Health Ministers

Click on the link below to access an open letter requesting the AHWMC approve community psychology and health psychology as areas of practice endorsement under the Health Practitioners Regulation Act.

The letter also challenges the advice on which the original decision to exclude community psychology and health psychology was based and provides detailed evidence for their inclusion as endorsed areas of psychological practice.

The APS urges members to write to their local state members of parliament particularly, but also federal government members, and request their support for reviewing the recommendation regarding endorsement of only seven areas of specialistaion published by the Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council (AHWMC). The more letters, the more seriously the politicians must take the issue. For more information on how to participate in this campaign, see www.psychology.org.au/about/representation/specialisation.  

Letters of Support for Endorsement of Community Psychology

A number of local and international individuals and organisations have written to the AHWMC in support of the inclusion of Community Psychology and Health Psychology as endorsed areas of practice under the national registration scheme. Please click on the links below to view some of these letters.


Presentations Available from the 11th Trans-Tasman Community Psychology Conference: 15 to 17 July, 2009

The 11th Trans Tasman Community Psychology Conference was held in Fremantle, Western Australia from 15 to 17 July, 2009. The Trans-Tasman conference is shared between Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand and is the premier community psychology conference in the region.

A number of speakers at the conference have made their presentations available for download Click here to view presentations

The theme of the conference was, 'Exploring Boundaries, Expanding Frontiers'. The primary aim of the conference was to advance discussions concerning community psychology. The sub-themes centre on current and emerging discussions and debate within community psychology and are relevant to community psychology research and practice.

The sub-themes were:

  1. Crossing borders - How do we work in diverse settings? How do we apply community psychology in areas outside of it? How do we engage others? What have we learned and can we still learn from others? Presenters are encouraged to reflect upon their partnerships with other disciplines and across cultures and nations.
  2. (Re)moving barriers - What hurdles currently impede us and how can they be overcome? What innovations are required? Where do we start?
  3. Driving change - How do we create change? How do we translate theory into action? What skills do we require? How can training be improved? Where are we headed? Presenters are encouraged to share their successes of and lessons learned in the application of community psychology.
  4. Challenging assumptions - How do we embed reflexivity? Presenters are encouraged to turn the lens onto themselves and/or community psychology as a discipline.

Any enquiries can be directed to Lauren Breen at [email protected].