APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists

New South Wales Committee Information

Below are details of the current committee and vacancies. The APS is always on the look out for members who are interested in joining a Member Group committee, to help support and promote members, the profession, and the APS. For more information about joining a Member Groups committee, click here.

Have questions? Please feel free to contact committee members via PsyCommunity direct message here or reach out to APS Member Groups via [email protected].


Dr Karen Wallace


Dr Kate Croaker


Dr Sharon Savage

Committee Member

Dr Natalie Phillips

Committee Member - Student/Registrar Rep

Mr Mitchell Byrne

Committee Member

Dr Jamie Berry
Dr Jamie Berry is a Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist and the Director of Advanced Neuropsychological Treatment Services (ANTS). He teaches on the postgraduate training programs at Sydney University and Macquarie University. He has an honorary appointment as Clinical Associate Professor at Macquarie University.

Jamie has extensive experience working as a clinical neuropsychologist across a range of settings including neuro-rehabilitation, mental health and dementia. Jamie’s specialty is neuropsychological rehabilitation and intervention.

Jamie's current research focus is the assessment and remediation of cognitive impairment among individuals with alcohol and other drug (AOD) use disorders. He is the project lead of the Alcohol and drug Cognitive Enhancement Program.

Committee Member

Dr Wendy Longley

Committee Member

Dr Amanda Olley

Early Career Representative

Dr Regine Lau